Histologic Classification of Primary Testicular Neoplasms
1. Germ-cell tumors (95%)
Embryonal carcinoma
Yolk-sac tumor (endodermal sinus tumor)
2. Others (5%)
Sex-cord stromal tumors: Sertoli-cell, Leydig-cell, Granulosa-cell
Both germ-cell and gonadal stromal elements: Gonadoblastoma
Adnexal and paratesticular tumors
Germ-Cell Tumor
- Originates from primordial germ cells
- More common in Whites
- Predisposing factor = cryptorchidism
- Two major types: seminoma or non-seminoma
- Nonseminoma tumors are clinically more aggressive. Therefore, if the pathology shows mixed tumor, treatment will follow nonseminoma.
- Seminoma is diagnosed only if histology shows "pure seminoma" and serum alfa-phetoprotein (AFP) is normal
- Classic but uncommon = painless testicular mass
- Common = diffuse pain, swelling, hardness or a combination of these
Tumor Markers
- AFP: nonseminoma, specifically embryonal cell and yolk-sac tumors
- hCG: both seminoma and nonseminoma
- LDH: both seminoma and nonseminoma
Our case = Embryonal cell carcinoma.
Bosl GJ and Motzer RJ. Testicular germ-cell cancer. New Engl J Med 1997;337:242-254.
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