Facts: Soft Tissue Lipoma
- Very common mesenchymal tumors
- May be palpable, painless, soft and mobile on clinical examination
- May be multiple in up to 5% of cases
- Common in patients older than 50 years
- Classic lipomas are hyperechoic and homogeneous (compared with muscle) with well-defined borders
- Sonographic appearance may depend on internal cellularity (amount of fat and water in the lesion). Lesions with pure fat are hypo- or anechoic but those with mixed fat/water are quite echogenic
- Appearance highly variable from hyper-, iso-, hypoechoic or mixed echoic and bordes can be circumscribed or poorly defined
- It can be difficult to confidently diagnose lipoma on US, accounting for variable US features and high interobserver variability on description of lesions.
Our case: soft tissue lipoma proven by histopathology
Inampudi P, Jacobson JA, Fessell DP, et al. Soft-tissue lipomas: accuracy of sonography in diagnosis with pathologic correlation. Radiology 2004;233:763-767.
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