Axial CT image shows an ileal diverticulum (arrow) with surrounding inflammation (arrowheads). Thin arrow = normal appendix.

Sagittal CT image again confirms the presence of an inflamed ileal diverticulum. Note a normal cecum.
- Two percents of population have small-bowel diverticula
- These can be congenital or acquired.
- Acquired diverticula are common in jejunum and terminal ileum. They are mucosal herniation along the mesenteric border.
- About 6-10% of patients with small-bowel diverticula develop complications (-itis, hemorrhage, obstruction, intussusception)
- CT can show inflammatory change around the diverticulum with mural thickening of the adjacent bowel loops. The appendix and cecum are normal.
Gourtsoyiannis NC. Radiologic Imaging of the Small Intestine, 2002.