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May 29, 2009
May 26, 2009
Figure: Bone scan image shows diffuse increased bone uptake throughout the skeleton with relative absence of kidney uptake (arrows), consistent with "superscan". There are several focal areas of uptake in the ribs, skull (arrowhead), scapulae and extremities indicating metastatic disease in a 73-year-old man with prostate cancer. The patient had a right craniotomy defect seen as a photopenic region on the posterior view.
- Metabolic: homogeneous uptake, usually hot at the calvarium, uptake seen at the extremities
- Metastatic: heterogeneous, usually absent uptake at the calvarium (unless metastatic lesions), uptake at distal extremities usually not seen
- Prostate cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer
- RCC, lymphoma, bladder cancer
May 20, 2009
Functioning Ovarian Tumors
Figure: Coronal reformatted CT image shows a very large mixed cystic/solid mass in the abdomen/pelvis of a 25-year-old woman presenting with hirsutism. On CT, her normal right ovary is not visualized. The left ovary is normal.
- Several ovarian tumors and tumorlike conditions can produce estrogen or androgen, resulting in signs and symptoms of hyperestrogenism or hyperandrogenism
- Enlarged uterus with thick endometrium can be seen on imaging in patients with hyperestrogenism
- Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor
- Leydig cell tumor
- Gynandoblastoma
- Germ cell tumor (carcinoid)
- Brenner tumor
- Tumorlike conditions (polycystic ovary syndrome, stromal hyperplasia, stromal hyperthecosis, hyperreactio luteinalis, pregnant luteoma)
- Granulosa cell tumor
- Thecoma
- Serous epithelial tumor
- Mucinous epithelial tumor
- Endometrioid tumor
- Metastatic tumor
- Stromal luteoma
- Sclerosing stromal tumor
Tanaka YO, Tsunoda H, Kitagawa Y, et al. Functioning ovarian tumors: direct and indirect findings at MR imaging. Radiographics 2004;24:S147-S166.
May 17, 2009
Ewing Sarcoma of the Pelvis
Figures 1 & 2: Coronal reformatted CT images of the pelvis of a 16-year-old man show a large heterogeneous soft tissue mass (arrows) involving the right iliac bone. The mass is enhanced and contains ring and arc calcifications. Note lytic lesions in the lumbar vertebral body (arrowhead).
Figure 3: Anterior bone scan image of the pelvis shows focal increased uptake in the right iliac bone and L4 vertebral body, corresponding with findings on the CT scan.
- First described by Ewing in 1921
- Family of small round cell neoplasms including: 'classic' Ewing sarcoma of bone, extraskeletal Ewing sarcoma, small cell tumor of thoracopulmonary region (Askin tumor), and soft tissue-based primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNET).
- Currently believed to be due to spontaneous genetic transolocation
- Second most common bone cancer in adolescents and young adults (after osteosarcoma)
- 5-20 years old, male slightly more than female
- Whites much more common than Asians or Africans
- Permeative lytic lesion with soft tissue components
- Ring and arc calcifications (chondroid matrix)
- Codman triangle or onion multi-layered periosteal reaction
- Common locations: pelvic bones (26%), femur (20%), tibia/fibula (18%), chest wall (16%)
- In long bone, diaphysis > metaphysis
- Increased uptake on bone scan
- Aim to distinguish localized disease from metastatic disease
- MRI +/- CT of the lesion
- Chest CT to look for pulmonary metastasis
- Whole body bone scan or PET
- Bone marrow biopsy or MRI of the spine
- Tumor at nonaxial skeleton primary site, age <>
May 14, 2009
Testicular Germ-cell Tumor

- Originates from primordial germ cells
- More common in Whites
- Predisposing factor = cryptorchidism
- Two major types: seminoma or non-seminoma
- Nonseminoma tumors are clinically more aggressive. Therefore, if the pathology shows mixed tumor, treatment will follow nonseminoma.
- Seminoma is diagnosed only if histology shows "pure seminoma" and serum alfa-phetoprotein (AFP) is normal
- Classic but uncommon = painless testicular mass
- Common = diffuse pain, swelling, hardness or a combination of these
- AFP: nonseminoma, specifically embryonal cell and yolk-sac tumors
- hCG: both seminoma and nonseminoma
- LDH: both seminoma and nonseminoma
May 12, 2009
Prepare for the AOCR 2010
"AOCR 2010 will be featured with the main theme of this congress: Radiology – The Core of Healthcare. Recent progress in radiology will be highlighted in the whole scientific program. A large panel of experts, within or outside the Asian Oceanian region, will share their experiences and present their best in this congress. It will definitely provide the best atmosphere for discussing the groundbreaking researches and progresses in the field of radiology. We believe this congress will provide a good opportunity for all of us to update ourselves on the knowledge of radiology and to share clinical experiences as well as basic researches." - Organizer
May 11, 2009
Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) Filter: Indications
Figure 1 and 2: Frontal view of the scout angiographic image (1) and axial CT image (2) show an IVC filter (arrows).
IVC Filter
- Does prevent pulmonary embolus (PE) by trapping venous emboli
- Does not prevent new thrombus formation
- Does not promote lysis of preexisting thrombus
- Documented deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and/or PE but cannot be anticoagulated
- Documented progression of DVT or recurrent PE while anticoagulated
- Complication of anticoagulation that requires anticoagulants to be terminated
- Massive, life-threatening PE that requires thrombosis or surgical thrombectomy
- Recurrent PE due to failed existing IVC filter
- Documented DVT and/or PE and limited cardiac or pulmonary reserve, poor compliance with medications, fall risk, inability to monitor
- Large burden of clot in extremity veins
- Patients with past history of DVT and/or PE that will undergo operation (i.e. knee replacement, craniotomy) with high-risk of postoperative DVT/PE
- Patients at high risk of developing DVT and/or PE (i.e. multiple trauma)
May 8, 2009
Complications of Radiofrequency Ablation of Liver Tumors: Hematoma
Figure 1: Axial CT image before radiofrequency ablation of a liver metastasis (star) is shown.
Figure 2: Axial CT image immediately after the RFA shows a small subcapsular hematoma anterior to the right hepatic lobe (arrows). Note hyperattenuation change at the tumor site (star), which is expected after the RFA.
Vascular complications of RFA
- Portal vein thrombosis (0.7%)
- Subcapsular hematoma (0.7%)
- Hepatic vein thrombosis
- Hepatic infarction
- Thrombosis of vessel occurs as a result of 'heat-sink' effect to the flowing blood. Smaller caliber vessels are prone to thrombose due to thermal damage from RF ablation
- On US, or CT, thrombosis is visualized as filling defects
- Hepatic parenchyma may show segmental enhancement peripheral to the affected veins
- Most thrombosis is self limited
- Subcapsular hematoma usually is related to placement of electrodes or underlying coagulopathy.
May 5, 2009
Suspected Pulmonary Embolism in Pregnant Patient (3)
- Now accepted standard for imaging diagnosis of PE
- In pregnant women, number of nondiagnostic CTPA may be higher than in non-pregnant population given an increased circulatory volume and altered cardiac output
- CT venography portion should be replaced with lower extremity ultrasound to reduce radiation exposure
- Dose reduction methods include (but not limited to): decrease mA, KVP and Z-axis coverage
- Consider in patients with normal chest radiograph and no history of asthma or COPD
- Consider in patients with contraindication for iodinated contrast agent ie severe allergic reaction, impaired renal function
- Dose reduction methods include (but not limited to): elimination of ventilation scan if perfusion scan negative, decrease dose of perfusion scan by half
- MRI without gadolinium can be performed by true fast imaging with steady-state precession, but limited evaluation to first-order pulmonary arteries
- Conventional angiography is reserved only for unstable patients needing mechanical clot lysis, or when other tests are nondiagnostic
Pahade JK, et al. Imaging pregnant patients with suspected pulmonary embolism: what the radiologist needs to know. Radiographics 2009; 10.1148/rg.293085226 (Published online before print on March 30, 2009)
May 1, 2009
Viral Pneumonia
Fig. 1: PA chest radiograph shows a right upper lobe nodule (red arrow) in a patient who was receiving chemotherapy for lymphoma.
Fig. 2: Axial CT image of the same patient confirmed a nodule in the right upper lobe (not shown) and additional subsegmental consolidataion in the left lower lobe (yellow arrow) and band opacity in the right lower lobe (arrowheads).
- Various viruses can cause pneumonia in adults
- Two clinical syndromes are 1) Atypical pneumonia in normal hosts, and 2) Viral pneumonia in immunocompromised hosts
- Common organisms are different in these two clinical scenarios: in normal hosts - influenza viruses are most common; in immunocompromised hosts - CMV and herpesviruses are most common
- Pathology of viral lower respiratory tract infection is prominent in epithelium and adjacent interstitial tissue, then pneumonia occurs when the changes involve the lung adjacent to terminal and respiratory bronchioles. Progressive disease manifests as diffuse alveolar damage.
- In general, it is difficult to distinguish viral from bacterial pneumonia based on imaging because of overlapping of findings.
- Influenza is most common cause of viral pneumonia
- On radiographs, there is poorly defined, patchy airspace consolidation that rapidly becomes confluent
- On CT, there is ground-glass opacities mixed with consolidation
- Pleural effusion is rare
- In a study of 8 hospitalized patients infected with Avian Influenza (H5N1), chest radiographs showed extensive opacities with segmental and multifocal distribution. Most opacities were in lung bases. No effusion or hilar lymphadenopathy.
- Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and herpesvirus are most common
- CMV is actually a member of herpesvirus family
- On imaging, there is mixed interstitial and airspace opacity that could range from ground-glass opacity, consolidation, nodules, poorly defined centrilobular nodules, bronchial dilatation and septal thickening