Axial MR images in multiple phases (as labeled) show a T1 hypointense nodule in the right hepatic lobe that rapidly filled in with contrast after administration and subsequently fades on delayed imaging. Note that the enhancement of the nodule is similar to the aorta in all phases. On T2W image (not shown), this nodule has a very high signal intensity.
Rapidly Filling Hemangioma
- 16% of all hepatic hemangiomas
- More common among small (<1 1="1" 42="42" cm="cm" hemangioma="hemangioma" hemangiomas="hemangiomas" in="in" incidence="incidence" less="less" li="li" of="of" than="than">
- Immediate homogeneous enhancement at arterial phase and hyperintensity persists in delayed phases. Enhancement equal to aorta in all phases.
- High T2 signal intensity may be helpful for differentiation from other arterial enhancing nodules (but it can also be seen in islet cell tumor metastasis)
Vilgrain V et al. Imaging of atypical hemangiomas of the liver with pathologic correlation. Radiographics 2000; 20:379