- Considered to be an avulsion of the medial supracondylar ridge of the distal femur
- Occurs only on the posteromedial epicondyle of the femur (insertion of adductor magnus aponeurosis)
- Common in older children
- Patients may complain of pain, or being asymptomatic (incidentally detected on radiograph done for other reasons)
- They may or may not show periosteal reaction; 1-3 cm in size, mixed sclerosis and lucency in the cortex
June 30, 2010
Cortical Desmoid
June 27, 2010
Helical CT for Urolithiasis
- Urolithiasis incidence in the U.S. and Europe approximately 0.1% - 0.4% of population
- Male to female ratio = 3:1
- Peak age during third to fifth decade of life
- Recurrence rate about 75% during 20 years
- Conventional radiography 50-70%
- Intravenous urography (IVU) 70-90%
- Ultrasound 50-60%
- Normal-dose CT: sensitivity 94-100%, specificity 97%
- Low-dose CT: sensitivity 95%, specificity 95%
- Shorter examination time
- Avoid cost and complications of IV contrast
- Greater sensitivity for stone detection
- Higher potential for detection of abnormalities unrelated to stone disease
- Study directly compared low-dose (<>
- Meta-analysis of 7 studies of low-dose CT in 1061 patients showing 95% sensitivity and specificity for stone diagnosis
June 24, 2010
Hook of Hamate Fracture
Figure 1: Frontal radiograph of the right wrist shows no apparent fracture. In retrospect, there may be slight indistinctness of the "eye" of the hamate hook.
Figure 2: Axial CT image at the level of the hamate shows a nondisplace fracture near the base of the hamate hook (arrow).
- Uncommon fracture that is easily missed on radiography
- Hook of hamate fracture is more common than fracture of the hamate body
- Direct blow to the hook, or avulsion of transverse carpal ligament and pisohamate ligament
- Presenting with pain on ulnar side of the palm aggravated by grasp, point tenderness over the hook at 1 cm distal and radial to the pisiform
- Best seen on carpal tunnel view (radiography) or CT
- If displaced and untreated, avascular necrosis and nonunion may occur.
- On frontal radiograph, there is absence or indistinctness of the "eye" of hamate (oval, dense cortical ring shadow over the hamate)
- On CT scan, the fracture line is apparent at the hook best seen on axial images. It can involve the tip or the base of the hook
June 21, 2010
Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma
- Rare tumor, 0.5 to 2 cases per million population
- Bimodal age peak - young children, and adults in 4th to 5th decades
- Male = female
- Tumor arises from adrenal cortex; 50% produces hormones (cortisol, androgens)
- Most common site of metastasis: liver and lung
- Mass less than 2 cm: incidence of malignancy 1%
- 2-4 cm: 3% - 8%
- 4-6 cm: 8% - 25%
- Greater than 6 cm: 40% - 80%
- CT or MRI can suggest the diagnosis if there is malignant feature: venous invasion and/or capsular invasion, metastasis to lymph nodes or other organs.
- Mass usually is large, 70% of ACC are larger than 6 cm on imaging
- Usually heterogeneous after contrast administration
- 30% are calcified (usually central)
- Enlarged lymph nodes seen in 1/3 of cases (usually at high para-aortic or paracaval)
- MRI may be used as an adjunct to CT for delineation of IVC invasion and extension
2. Husband JE, Reznek RH. Imaging in Oncology, Volume 1, 2nd edition, 2004.
June 18, 2010
Pneumoperitoneum: Right Upper Quadrant Features
- As little as 1mm of free gas can be detected on radiography in an upright position with a horizontal x-ray beam
- If the patient cannot stay upright, a lateral decubitus (preferably patient on the left side) can be performed. Free gas will collect between lateral liver margin and abdominal wall
- Best chance of detection of free gas is when the radiograph is taken after the patient remains in an upright (or lateral decubitus) position for 10 minutes
- More difficult to detect
- Large free gas can be seen indirect as gas collect in different locations
- Right upper quadrant features include 1) linear gas collection running in an inferolateral to superomedial orientation (representing gas in subhepatic space, as in our patient), 2) triangular gas collection right to the spine above the kidney shadow (gas in most posterior recess of the Morrison pouch)
- Visualization of the outer wall of intestine (Rigler's sign)
- Visualization of the falciform ligament of the liver
1. Eisenberg RL. Gastrointestinal Radiology: a Pattern Approach, 4th edition, 2003.
2. Menuck L, Siemers. Pneumoperitoneum: importance of right upper quadrant features. AJR 1976;127:753-756.
June 15, 2010
Left Atrial Enlargement

- Convex left atrial appendage
- Double density on the right side of the spine (one of the earliest signs)
- Double density on the left side as the left atrium extends into the left lower lobe
- Posterior displacement of the left mainstem bronchus posteriorly on lateral view, and superiorly on frontal view
- Spreading of the carina
- Acquired: mitral valve disease (stenosis or regurgitation), left ventricular failure, left atrial myxoma
- Congenital: VSD, PDA, hypoplastic left heart complex
June 12, 2010
Intrabronchial Malposition of Nasogastric Tube
- Incidence in ICU patients between 0.5% - 1.5% of all NG tube placement
- Right side more common than left, lower lobe more than intermediate bronchus or main bronchus
- In one study of 14 malpositions, nearly half of the cases had subsequent pneumothorax requiring chest tubes, and the other half experienced pneumonias at the same site
- Traditional criteria for determining proper positioning of an NG tube (i.e., sound heard over the stomach upon insufflation of air, aspiration of fluid, absence of coughing) may not work well in ICU patients who are usually obtunded, intubated, have impaired gag reflex, decreased laryngeal sensitivity and are on neuromuscular blocking agents.
- Routine radiography after placement of an NG tube in ICU patients can be helpful for detection of tube malposition
- Once detected intrabronchial NG tube malposition, one should look for evidence of pneumothorax. If not seen, a close follow up radiograph is recommended since delayed pneumothorax may occur.
Bankier AA, Wiesmayr MN, Henk C, et al. Radiographic detection of intrabronchial malpositions of nasogastric tubes and subsequent complications in intensive care unit patients. Intens Care Medicine 1997;23:406-410.
June 9, 2010
Swimmer's View Lateral Cervical Spine Radiograph
- Usually required to visualize C7-T1 junction. In one study, only 20% of cases receiving five-view cervical radiography (AP, lateral, bilateral obliques and odontoid) C7-T1 can be adequately seen.
- Downsides of this view are: high dose, high scatter, difficult positioning, usually not adequate on large patients or patients with shoulder injuries
- To visualize C7-T1 junction, one should avoid arm pulling in patients who sustained a cervical spine injury
- Now, most places replace cervical spine radiography with CT scan because of higher sensitivity for fracture, shorter scan time, and probably less costly (if combined the use of overall resources)
- Some institutions still perform an out-of-collar lateral radiograph after a negative CT scan to ensure no significant change in alignment that may occur in patients with isolated ligamentous injury not shown on CT. This exam usually includes lateral and swimmer's radiographs.
June 6, 2010
Sinonasal Polyposis
- Common finding in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis (2% - 16% of cases)
- Soft, yellow-white nasal polyps that consist of edematous stroma with eosinophilic infiltrates, covered by respiratory epithelium
- Predisposing factors: asthma, fungal sinusitis, Kartagener syndrome, ASA syndrome, cystic fibrosis
- Can be seen in healthy individual with no predisposition to polyps
- Usually multiple, bilateral polyps. Majority of polyps arise from uncinate-turbinate-infundibulum space and bulla-hiatus seminularis-infundibulum
- On CT, there is opacification of the sinuses with widening of the sinus ostium and sinonasal passages
June 3, 2010
Sturge-Weber Syndrome
- Also known as encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis
- Sporadic disorder affecting skin and central nervous system
- Defined as capillary malformation of the leptomeninges with or without choroid and facial V1 or V1-V2 involvement (port-wine stain)
- Probably due to embryonic defect of persistent vascular plexus in the neural tube during 6th week of embryonic development
- Port-wine stains can be unilateral or bilateral, most commonly involve V1 distribution but can also be extracranial
- Intracranial involvement always ipsilateral to the port-wine stain of the face, occipital lobe most common
- MRI more sensitive than CT in identifying secondary changes due to leptomeningeal capillary malformation
- Cerebral cortical atrophy, compensatory ventricular and choroid plexus enlargement, calvarial hemihypertrophy and superficial gyriform enhancement after gadolinium injection
- "Railroad track" calcification of the cerebral cortex caused by precipitation of calcium likely due to alternation of vascular dynamics of the leptomeningeal malformation