June 4, 2014

Prepare for AOCR 2014

This year, the largest radiology meeting in Asia will be held in Kobe, Japan!
Many big names in radiology from around the world will be joining as invited speakers including JKT Lee, AR Margulis, M Prokop, D Resnick and H Hricak.

Scientific programs include all radiology subspecialties with interesting additions of IT, Radiation Safety and Emergency Radiology.

Kobe is an international port city with a long historical importance. The city is famous for European bakeries, Kobe beef, and fresh seafood. Sightseeing spots like Kyoto, Osaka, Nara and Hiroshima are reachable by day trips. During this time of the year, Kobe temperature ranges between 21 and 29 degrees Celsius. 

Details and registration information can be found at this LINK.

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