May 11, 2014

Gastric Emptying Scintigraphy: SNM Recommendation

Facts: Gastric Emptying Scintigraphy
  • Performed to evaluate patients with symptoms suggesting alteration of gastric emptying or motility
  • Provide physiologic, noninvasive, quantitative measurement of solid or liquid gastric emptying
  • Used to diagnose delayed gastric emptying (ie, gastroparesis) or rapid emptying (dumping syndrome)
Factors affecting gastric emptying (potentially creating false-positive or false-negative tests)
  • Medications: prokinetics (shorten gastric emptying), narcotic analgesics (prolong gastric emptying)
  • Tobacco smoking (prolong gastric emptying)
  • Hyperglycemia (prolong gastric emptying)
  • Premenopausal status (prolong gastric emptying)
Standards for performing GES as recommended by Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM)
  • Full recommendation paper (link) provides recommended timing of imaging, composition of meal, glycemic control, monitoring of symptoms and assessment of severity
  • Low-fat, egg white meal
  • Imaging at a minimum at 0,1,2 and 4 hours after radiolabeled meal ingestion

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