July 31, 2013

Olfactory Groove Meningioma

Axial T2W MR image shows a lobulated extraaxial mass in the midline anterior cranial fossa. The mass is T2 isointense with a central area of higher T2 signal intensity. Mild brain edema of the inferior frontal lobes are noted. 

Sagittal post-contrast T1W MR image shows uniform enhancement of the mass.  It better demonstrates the location of the mass that is anterior to the tuberculum sellae.

Facts: Olfactory Groove Meningioma

  • Usually asymptomatic until large. 
  • When symptomatic, they can produce Foster Kennedy syndrome (anosmia, ipsilateral optic atrophy, contralateral papilledema), metal status change, urinary incontinence
  • Histological variables follow WHO grading I to III (from low recurrence to high rates of recurrence with aggressive growth)
  • Atypical meningioma, rhabdoid and malignant meningioma have greater risk of recurrence
  • Brain invasion increases likelihood of recurrence but not indicator of malignant grade
  • "Olfactory groove" is anterior to tuberculum sellae (distinction between tuberculum vs olfactory groove meningioma). Tuberculum sellae is bony elevation between chiasmatic sulcus and sella turcica. See tuberculum sellae meningioma here (external site)
MRI Findings
  • T1 and T2 isointensity
  • Most enhances with gadolinium
  • Dural tail
  • Signal voids in the lesion due to calcifications

Cranial Base Center of Massachusetts General Hospital website 

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