November 12, 2010

Abdominal Wall Fibromatosis

An axial T2W MR image of a 32-year-old woman shows a large well-defined heterogeneous mass in the anterior abdominal wall involving the right rectus abdominis. There are a few linear band (arrowheads) of low signal intensity with in the mass, which are seen in all pulse sequences.

  • Also known as abdominal desmoid
  • Predilection to develop in women of child-bearing age (usually 20-30 years)
  • Mass in abdominal wall typically develops following pregnancy
  • Most common muscle involved: rectus abdominis, internal oblique
  • Some of the masses have estrogen receptor
  • May be seen as a manifestation of Gardner's syndrome
  • Rx = surgical removal but recurrence rate 15-40%
Imaging Findings
  • Heterogeneous intramuscular mass (well- or ill-defined)
  • Non-enhancing bands of low signal within the mass on all pulse sequences (probable fibrosis)
  • Linear fascial extension "fascial tail sign"

Kransdorf MJ, Murphy MD. Imaging of soft tissue tumors, 2nd ed, 2006.

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