November 24, 2009

An Expert's Response to the Recent USPSTF Recommendations for Mammography

A recent release of the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendations for breast cancer screening has brought about so many controversies. Below is the summary view of Dr. Daniel B. Kopans, a Mass General radiologist and Harvard professor, internationally known as a breast imaging expert:

Mass General Imaging believes that the USPSTF recommendations are based on flawed analysis of the data and continues to support the scientifically based recommendations of the American Cancer Society for the early detection of breast cancer:

  1. Annual mammographic screening should begin at age 40
  2. Women at high risk for developing breast cancer should have annual MRI screening in addition to mammography

View full article by Dr. Kopans (MGH Radiology Rounds) HERE
Read more controversies in the New York Times and Washington Post
Read where the American College of Radiology stands

Additional opinions from the New England Journal of Medicine (November 25, 2009)
- Screening mammography and the "R" word
- On mammography - more agreement than disagreement

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